Asbestos Removal

Asbestos Removal

Asbestos Removal & Detection Experts in Tucson

Do you know what asbestos is? Where does it come from? When can it pose a threat to you and your family’s health?

What is Asbestos?

Asbestos is a thin and fibrous silicate mineral that is very durable. It was used in a wide variety of building materials throughout the 1980s. Asbestos is composed of millions of microscopic fibrils. There are 6 known asbestos mineral types known as carcinogens: Actinolite, Amphibole, Amosite, Chrysotile, and Crocidolite. When the material that contains asbestos is damaged or decomposing, the fibers become airborne and can be inhaled by anyone who is not wearing the proper protective gear.

The good news is that asbestos is only harmful when it has been disturbed. Keep in mind that if your property is damaged or you are planning on remodeling your property your health could be at risk if your property has asbestos-containing materials.

At Commercial Cleaning & Restoration, we want the best for you and your home and we will work to prove it to you.

Asbestos Removal services by Commercial Cleaning and Restoration
asbestos abatement

What Materials used Asbestos?

Because asbestos is a very versatile material, it was used throughout homes and commercial properties in various ways. Asbestos can be found in electrical insulation and building insulation. It also was mixed in with cement, concrete, bricks, and pipes. It was even woven into fabric and mats. Asbestos was also used for fireproofing because of its high resistance to heat.

Why is asbestos dangerous?

Exposure to asbestos has been known to cause lung cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis. Asbestos fibers become trapped in the lung tissue when inhaled, increasing the risk of developing harmful diseases.

If you suspect that you have an asbestos-containing material that is deteriorating or damaged in your home, contact our asbestos removal professionals as soon as possible. We provide complete asbestos removal and asbestos abatement services. Don’t put your health at risk! Contact our professionals and we will safely remove any harmful materials from your home or office.

Worried About Asbestos? Let Us Help!

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